Pancake Bakery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Address: Prinsengracht 191, 1015 DS Amsterdam, Netherlands
Opening Hours: Daily 9:00am – 9:00pm
Official Website:

Pancake Bakery Menu

Let me preface by saying, this restaurant has been in my bucket list for about 10 years.

I learned about Pancake Bakery through Anthony Bourdain’s PARTS UNKNOWN show, bless his soul. Since then, I’ve been hooked. I can’t wait to get my mouth on these larger than life pancakes. So much so, that for our Amsterdam trip, I booked a table a month in advance.

Call me an overplanner, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to eat Dutch pancakes at Pancake Bakery in Amsterdam. When in Amsterdam, dutch pancakes are the unspoken institution on its own. Almost all traditional Dutch spots serve traditional dutch pancakes and poffertjes. We’ll get to that on a later post in Volendam.

They’re not your usual American style pancakes. These are flat pancakes, almost like crepes, which you can top with sweet or savoury toppings.

So right after our visit to Anne Frank’s house, we went crazy and ordered a lot of pancakes.

Sweet ones are my favorite. Loved the whipped cream, apple, cinnamon liquor and cinnamon ice cream. I mean, you can’t get wrong with them and a nice cup of viennese coffee. It came with my very first Amsterdam stroopwafel. Yum.

I mean, they’re not Vienna whipped cream, but it’s still cream. And this just proves that Vienna has the best whipped cream in the world. Even tops Paris. Trust me.

My folks got the ham and cheese pancakes and the chicken and cheese pancakes. And I must say, surprisingly, I liked them. I don’t like savory galettes, so I felt that these savory pancakes belonged in that group, but I actually loved the savory contrast. It was a good break between sweet, savory, sweet savory.

And the cheese. Good heavens.

I have a theory why cheese is so good in the Netherlands, one of the happiest countries in the world.

The cows were just as happy as humans.

And the Norweigian pancakes were amazing. It was filled with the freshest norwegian salmon, sour cream and cream cheese. I totally went to cream heaven on this one.

Pancake Bakery. One huge tick in my bucket list.