Petit Pain SG 2

Petit Pain: Best Croissant and Viennoiseries in Singapore

Address: 315 Joo Chiat Rd, Singapore 427566
Opening Hours: Wednesday – Friday 11:00am – 5:00pm, Saturday – Sunday 10:00am – 5:00pm
Official Website:

Petit Pain: Best Croissant and Viennoiseries in Singapore

Let me preface by saying, I would gladly buy 1000 croissants from Petit Pain because they’re that good.

Petit Pain SG 2

Petit Pain SG 2

Petit Pain SG 2

Come to Petit Pain at least 30 minutes before opening time, because if you don’t queue early, they get sold out. And it’s not just the fact that they open a few times in a week and maybe they don’t really make a lot of batches, but that’s the thing. Each pastry is painstakingly made and so there aren’t a lot of batches they make. Hence, the name Petit Pain.

You can tell how patient Petit Pain is in their craft with the croissants. Flaky exterior. Thin, thin, thin, oh so thin crisps that every bite is just buttery goodness. They only use Elle en Vire butter in their products. While some aren’t really impressed with croissants as the pastry that put them to fame, you should probably try out different croissants in the world and judge Petit Pain for yoursef. The best ones I’ve tried are in London, and that’s not even in Paris, but still, it was a whole new level. Petit Pain’s croissants are one of the best, but though I can say a croissant in Amba Hotel Marble Arch in London is still the best I’ve ever tasted. But I do appreciate the craft here. It is not easy to make croissant. (Lamination — layering the dough with butter, rolled and folded in succession — is a difficult skill to master, one that requires patience and meticulousness.) And I’ve tried plenty here in Singapore; none of which are really good. (Take for example, Le Grigne Patisserie. It was horrendous compared to Petit Pain’s.)

Yes, dip it in the thickest hot chocolate you can ever find. It’s worth it.

Petit Pain SG 8

Petit Pain SG 8

The rest of the viennoiseries shouldn’t be ignored. The Cannelé is an underrated one. That crunchy bit exterior is so addicting with its lush, chewy, and moist insides. Each bite offers depths of rum and Tahiti Vanilla Bean. It’s steep at $4, but trust me, you already queued. You might as well try it.

Petit Pain SG 8

Other crowd favorites include Apple Danish, Raisin Escargot — and I preferred this over Le Matin Patisserie. And now that I’ve tried Petit Pain, I don’t even think Le Matin is that good at all.

They don’t scrimp in their Pain Au Chocolat. Two chocolate bars inside is enough to make me go all #ASMR, and is one of the best I’ve ever tasted. (And I’m not a pain au chocolat person, btw) It’s equally good, but I think their croissant tops this.

Their Honey Brioche Toast is so very soft as well. This is the kind of loaf that would really be good for french toasts. The smell alone will make you want to eat loads of this!

Petit Pain SG 9

You’re limited to buying 8 viennoiseries and 3 loaves, so I think it’s best to go heavy in croissants, and try some of the underrated every now and then. Do check out their Instagram to get yourself updated with the opening hours. It looks like Mark and Regina are going to be back in March, and I don’t know if I can wait that long. I’ll be scrimping my croissant hoard this time.