Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food 4

Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food, San Francisco

Location: 2234 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94110, United States
Telephone Number: +1 415-863-2800
Opening Hours: Monday, Thursday to Sunday 11:30am – 3:00pm and 5:00pm – 10:30pm ; Tuesday and Wednesday 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Official Website:
Reservations | Order Online/Delivery

Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food Menu

Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food 1

Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food, San Francisco

Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food 2

If there’s any proof that the Mission District does go beyond Mission Burritos and artisanal coffees, Pete’s Barbeque isn’t enough, but Lung Shan’s Chinese restaurant along 19th Street is that perfect example. If you’re craving for Chinese food in San Francisco, but Chinatown is out of your way, better Lung Shan than nothing.

While there’s some bit of aversion for Asians for Chinese food in the US (and one can’t simply go beyond Sam Woo BBQ in the west coast), let’s cut the City some slack and make way for Lung Shan, 2013 James Beard winner David Bowien’s Mission Chinese fame. David Bowien is also the man behind the Mission Burger in San Francisco. And surprise, surprise, he’s a Korean!

Chongqing Chicken Wings – $11

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I first tried Chongqing Chicken Wings on Mission Chinese’s food truck back at the Google I/O 2015’s After Hours Party. So it’s no brainer for us to grab this dish. Filled with explosive chili, the skin is incredibly crispy without sacrificing juicy meat of the fattest part of a chicken’s anatomy.

Spicy Beef Chow Mein – $16

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In a classic Chinese food takeout, Lung Shan’s Spicy Beef Chow Mein fulfills the carbohydrates in the dinner equation.

Thrice Cooked Bacon and Rice Cakes – $14

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Want something super greasy to take away stress? Lung Shan’s most popular dish – the Thrice Cooked Bacon and Rice Cakes – is not only oily, but it’s super salty as well. We heated our leftovers the following day, doused it with water, and it was still super salty. Cooked with bitter melon, Szechuan peppers and sweet tofu skin (which is my favorite part of the dish), this dish takes you to spice paradise and is not for the fainthearted.

If you want westernized Chinese food, Lung Shan creates that temporary oriental cuisine to satisfy your cravings.

Lung Shan Mission Chinese Food Rating:

[usrlist “Taste and Originality: 3.5” “Customer Experience: 3” “Value for Money: 3” “Brick and Mortar: 3”]