Address: Rotenturmstraße 15, 1010 Wien, Austria
Opening Hours: Daily 11:00am – 12:00am
Official Website:
Le Burger Menu
In the heart of Roteturnstrasse, under oversized Christmas baubles, sits Le Burger. So unassuming, so humble, this burger spot, I declare, is the best burger I’ve ever eaten.
One bite of Le Burger made me forget Shake Shack, Five Guys and even Wolfgang Zweiner’s Crafted.
If you happen to arrive late in the restaurant on a late Friday evening, like I did, chances are you won’t get a table. But no matter, just grab a burger to go and don’t forget the array of sauces that Le Burger offers.
Blueberry ketchup. White BBQ Sauce. Knoblauch Mayo. Not that you need any of these sauces for their juicy af burgers. But they’re sorely needed for fries.
Skip the classic cheeseburger, and go for the kill: Farmhouse burger.
This baby packs a punch starting from bacon, cheddar cheese, fried egg, fried onions, grilled mushroom, bbq sauce, mayo. Everything in this burger screams a second stomach. The beef? The best quality. And you can argue it’s because the cattle can graze and roam the Austrian mountains freely, without stress, giving its meat the best flavor ever. (And it’s not just Le Burger. Even Emirates catering serves the best Austrian beef tenderloin in the sky.)
I know it’s a sin. But dipping in Blueberry Ketchup is plain hallelujah. I have no idea what kind of sorcery they put in the blueberry ketchup, but I’m not going back to tomato ketchup after this.
Meanwhile, for non-beef eaters, you won’t be left behind with Le Burger’s Little Italy Chicken Burger. Mozzarella, Rocket basil pesto, Spicy mayo, tomatoes, and the most succulent chicken patty ever.
Le Burger has Super Fries (and I know that alone sounds amazing), but I recommend getting Mac and Cheese. Yeah, not bowls of mac and cheese but fried mac and cheese cubes. I died and went to mac and cheese heaven.
Le Burger. This is one burger worth flying to Vienna for.
(Yes, in Vienna. While Le Burger also has an outpost in Dubai, it’s not the same. Again, it’s the quality of the beef.)